consys Fiber

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Area de trabajo:1250mmX2500mm.
  • Dimensiones:3600X1900mmX1900mm.
  • Precision de pocisionamiento:±0.05mm/m.
  • Velocidad de pocisionamiento:20m/min.
  • Peso:3000kg.
  • Power Supply:380V±10%/20A.
  • Fuente de fibra dopada con yuterbium: 500/750 W.
  • Servo sistema Yasukawa.
  • Tornillo de bolillas recirculantes y sistema de guias de carril lineal.
  • Chiller industrial.
  • PLC Autonomo soporta formatos DXF,PLT,AI.


Características y detalles técnicos

Vídeo promocional

Velocidades de corte referencial

Raycus laser source

High power
Life is long
Good spot patterns

Imported ball screw

Imported ball screw and linear guide rail driving systems

Au3tech laser head

Compact size, support a variety of focal length, QBH QCS and other interface. SPI, IPG, RAYCUS, MAX and other mainestream lasers At the same time to support the aplication of flag cutting and three-dimensional cutting aplications.

Precise temperature control

CW600 double WenShuang control cold,water machine, at the same time needs of laser cutting head and different temperature. Meet the different needs of laser cutting head at the same time.

Security / stability

Lenovo computer licensed software

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